Bello, 2018!

Oh, wow. It's the first quarter of 2018 already? That was quick! And as usual, none of my past year resolutions ever made it to reality. HAHAHA. *nangis* 


You guys are probably wondering why am I suddenly creating a blog out of nowhere. I know, guys. I know. I'm weird liddat. Lol. I actually already had a blog before this, (note: just in case you guys are curious about it!) but that blog is used solely on my work as a part time novel writer. 

It was years ago, tbh, and I don't even remember the last time I update that blog. I guess around 3-4 years ago. They say blogger is not relevant anymore since there are many other cool stuff like Wordpress, Tumblr and Wattpad. But, that's fine. I prefer this.


Why am I writing this blog? Yep, you ask the right question. 

Answer: to remind myself that it's okay to feel not okay and it's okay to write everything about it here. Basically, this blog is a sneak peek of my every day life. From how I began my career as a part time online novelist (note: both English and Bahasa Melayu), books that I read and fell in love with, food food and more food review hiks, friends yasss girl my squad, family and basically just everything about me and my simple yet happy life.

Wallahi, this blog is not to brag about anything. Just me sharing whatever that makes me happy with the intention that maybe just MAYBE it could make others smile and be happy as well.

Feel free to read and follow me. I promise you, you won't get bored reading. I'm skilled at writing stupid shizz. Hahaha. Sorrylah, guys. Shera memang perangai macam ni!

"Why be normal like everyone else when you can be different?" 
-Shera Zulghafar, 2018 
